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Annual Membership Drive Opening

April is Membership Month! Renew your membership or become a New Member.

Be part of selecting next year’s Parade Float Concept (it could be your idea!)

Become a member today and make your mark on the next parade with your float concept! All members are eligible to submit their ideas for consideration.

Membership Benefits:

  • April is Membership Month! Renew your membership here or become a New Member

  • Become an Active Member

  • vote on design submission concepts for our float for the next parade

  • attend monthly meetings (except during the summer when we’re dark)

  • work on building the chassis and base, carve and design float forms (characters and elements on the float) and animation by welding, carving foam, and bending metal

  • screen and paint forms

  • help set up the room and serve food and drinks at LEGENDARY BINGO! Fundraiser

  • help set up for community events: Wistaria Festival, Sierra Madre Art Fair, Fourth of July booth, Movie in the Park, Winter Festival

  • work in the SMRFA booth and meet community members at local events

  • work in the SMRFA sales booth Deco Week

  • assist and manage administrative tasks, including mailings, PR, and accounting

  • start the journey (3-5 years) to become a member of the team who drives, navigates, or runs the float animation on parade day

  • become a member of the board of directors 

Join or renew now to be a part of this exciting opportunity! Contact us for more information.

April 13