“I Think I Can”

Sierra Madre’s entry in the 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade

Winner of the Mayor’s Trophy

– Most Outstanding City Entry – National or International –
The theme for the 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade chosen by President Richard L. Chinen was “Inspiring Stories”.  Sierra Madre’s entry was titled “I Think I Can”.  Our theme was loosely based on the inspiring story by Watty Piper, Sierra Madre is depicting The Little Engine That Could.  Reminding everyone to keep trying, no matter the obstacle, and you will be successful.  Our association resembles the “Little Train That Could” in that we are the smallest builder, both membership wise and financially, in the parade.  Being all volunteer and all donation organization makes our journey challenging and inspiring each year.
FLOAT DESCRIPTION: Height: 22 feet
Width: 18 feet
Length: 45 feet
FLOWERING: Sierra Madre presents a densely flowered entry for the parade. Over 20,000 Roses, 5,000 Carnations, and 3,000 whole straw flowers,  2,000 button mums.  Additionally we had gladiolus, pincushion protea, hypericum, lilies, and anthuriums.  Cattleya, dendrobium, and oncidium orchids.  Ti leaves and italian ruskus, sheet moss and Echivera succulents.  Dry materials included Nigella seed, poppy seed,  yellow & orange millet, rye grass seed, caraway seed, nori (seaweed), great northern beans, crushed walnut shell and ground sushi rice, ground coffee.
ANIMATION: The 18 wheels were turning, the 3 cars rocked side to side, smoke billowed from stack, and the front of the engine lifted up and come down to show it is trying to crest the steep mountain


The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association has dedicated this float to our long time friend and president – Bob Young who has been an integral part of the Sierra Madre Rose Float Association for many years. He passed away in 2014 and will be missed.